29 June 2010

Blog Slacker

Since I started using Facebook and Twitter I have neglected my Blog. So here is a catch up post. I will try and be better in the future!
Ari meeting Zealand for the first time!

Ari and Z!

Daddy's little Rugby Man

Rugby Girl!

Ari during one of our backyard training sessions!

Ari loves to torture Z!

Rugby Fans! Go Chiefs!

Z's room 1

Z's room 2

Best buddies!

My little man!

Ari was asked to tryout for the Comp Show team at Rhythm Works Dance and made it!!! Very proud of her!

22 March 2010

Define a Miracle

Zealand is off his breathing tube! Kel is doing well. Hopefully we can take them both home in a few days!

Zealand Michael Tagaloa Figgins

Welcome my little man Zealand Michael Tagaloa Figgins! 5Lb 13 oz 18.25 inches!!! Z is in the NICU! He is in good hands with Aunt Amy's crew! Kel is doing awesome! What a awesome day! Thanks so much for all the love, prayers and support!

21 March 2010

Out going!

Looks like it's going to be a "C" section!!!!! 1 hour and He will be here!!!!


Water Broke! At hospital! It's going to be a long day! Kel is doing great! BabyFig should arrive this evening!