06 March 2009

Looking for a better life

The ultimate aim of all creative activity is to bring happiness to people's lives.
Happiness is an emotion that comes in result of positive experiences and affects human beings.
Experiences can happen in the past, present or future.

Past experiences must offer good memories as a way of re-living it in the present and desiring it for the future. Present experiences must connect to the mind in its whole, bringing focus to the action being performed and getting the mind to a flow state. Happiness comes from the experience itself and not from the result of it.

Future experiences must bring desire to the present, creating a present that is better because of the latent potential of a future experience.

Experiences can be based in real life or in fantasy, but reality and fantasy must empower one another in a way that the whole is better than the absolute sum of the separate experiences.

Experiences that foster happiness should have the following qualities:
• Make people feel confident of themselves.
• Make people feel they can do something better. Empowers people to do something in a better way.
• Improve people's lives helping to solve existing pragmatic problems
• Make people have an enjoyable and fun time during the experience, thus making life worth to be lived.
• Surprises people in a magic way, bringing delight to the eyes and making the mind wonder.
• Create an emotional connection between everyone involved, the experience itself and the one supporting the experience (a brand or a person)
• Make the world a better place to live
• Strenghten relationships between people that live the same experience

Experiences must be immersive and sensorial. The more it talks to human senses, the better it will be. They can exist in physical or virtual states.
The success of an experience is measured by the amount of happiness it brings to life and the amount of people willing to live the experience, not by it's individual qualities.
All kinds of sciences, technologies and studies can be tools for creating happiness and must be used accordingly.

Every effort made to get a better understanding of the human condition and psychology should be treasured, for it points to the right direction and brings enlightenment on how to use the many tools available to create a good experience.

Artists are not different than scientists. "The artist is an exalted craftsman", as stated by Walter Gropius in the Bauhaus Manifesto. "By the grace of Heaven and in rare moments of inspiration which transcend the will, art may unconsciously blossom from the labour of his hand, but a base in handicrafts is essential to every artist. It is there that the original source of creativity lies."

The Experience Designer is therefore a new denomination for all of those that follow this movement and conjure art, science, technology and psychology to desire, conceive and create experiences that bring happiness to the life of many.
An experience designer must love and care about people and the world in which we all live. It's his mission in the world to proudly spread love and happiness through his creations.

The notion that the future can enhance the present is a wonderful and insightful concept. Very nice: “The latent potential of a future experience.” - Don Norman

from DesignExperienceManifesto

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